Green Schools—A Multiple Choice Questionnaire

Green Schools—A Multiple Choice Questionnaire Green schools, what a no brainer! Of any buildings (other than hospitals), where does it make more sense to have a focus on daylighting, high indoor air quality, connection to exteriors and, of course, high-efficiency...

News in Green Healthcare

News in Green Healthcare Of all the building types that should pursue sustainable design and operations, health care facilities make the most sense, don’t they? From hospitals with round the clock operations to medical offices where patients share their deepest health...

LEED-certified warehouse facilities pose unique challenges.

LEED-certified warehouse facilities pose unique challenges. What’s a million square feet and green? Why, a LEED-certified warehouse facility, of course! Many people can’t see how buildings with such large footprintsthat disturb so much land can ever be green. But the...
A Unique Beast

A Unique Beast

A Unique Beast Building a green retail facility today has become relatively easy. Not to dismiss the process or say it’s a walk in the park, but compared to building the fi rst LEED retail shopping center in the U.S. back in 2003-2004 (Abercorn Common), today’s...
That sweet, sweet smell…of VOCs

That sweet, sweet smell…of VOCs

That sweet, sweet smell…of VOCs Keeping VOCs out of your building isn’t easy. First, you need to be aware of and monitor the hundreds of products that are coming in and out of your building. Second, the VOC level stamped in micro-fi ne print onto the side of a...